14 weeks has just passed in a blink of an eye. It is really, really fast. To be honest, I have learned a lot throughout these 14 weeks of class. At the first few weeks of classes, I was a little bored by the political issues that we discussed in class as I am not interested in politics.
However, as time goes by, I realize that in our daily life, no matter what we do, somehow would really related to politics. For example, what I have learned the most in this class is actually about our human rights (because of the group assignment). Many people may think that custody death is like, non of their business. But in fact, this is a serious issue. It is because that many people have this mindset, or they did not do anything about it even when they know about it. No public pressure is given to the government to look into this issues. What if the one who is locked in custody was you? Or your friends or family? Many people may think that it is impossible, but nothing is impossible. We never know what is going to happen in the future. We must know our own human rights so that we can protect ourselves. Without the knowledge of our human rights, the higher authority may abuse their power to bully you. A common example that we, as a normal citizen may face is when we were blocked by the police. According to our lecturers, we have the rights to ask the police for the reason to block us. Sometimes they will just threaten us just to get some "duit kopi".
Of course, I have also gained knowledge on the cultural performances/performing arts of the Kelantan-ese.
What I remember the most from this class was actually the presentation of the Thai students. I love how they share their knowledge and culture with us in class and it was a really great experience that I had in class.
Thanks for the awesome class Dr Carmen, Dr Andrew and Ms Ezzati! I have indeed learned a lot from this MMC class.